Two Parkers?!

---One morning---

Jessica POV

I was just expecting him to come downstairs with a creepy horror story (he usually does that) but he was nowhere to be found in the living area... I wonder what's he doing!

She reached their bedroom just to see him dressing infront of the mirror but !!!! There wasn't any reflection in the mirror she rubbed her eyes , but there was no one and it can't be a misconception, he was right there!! Being puzzled she screamed!!

Parker - Why are you screaming at the top of your lungs?! It's not night.

Jessica -( widened eyes) I just saw you infront of the mirror! How come you are coming out of the bathroom?!!
Parker - Oh! That was my closed one! Yanoo...
Jessica - What do you mean by?!
Parker- Nothing related to you! Just goo
Jessica - No! You gotta explain me
Parker - Just get me something to eat!
Jessica - But-----
Parker - No buts!I'm starving! Or Should I eat you? Huh?!
Jessica - When did you become this naughty?*saying that she immediately left*
Parker - But, I didn't mean that though!
Jessica POV
I still couldn't get over what he said! Closed one? Is there two Parkers?!! No, no it's not a movie! But! Stop thinking Jess, it might be a fallacy! Just forget it! Let's just clean the house.....and maybe ......his store room....No No never I still remember he nearly slapped me when I just unlocked the store room door!!! Leave it!!!!
After many many hours

I(Jess) went and hugged him tightly but he didn't hug me back
Parker - Oh! Get off me
Jessica - Did you have a bad day?
Parker - Absolutely not! I didn't think of you
Jessica - I'm here waiting for you and you're acting rude to me!!
Parker - I'm not acting! You make me rude!
Jessica - Fine!! Leave me then!
Parker - I want you to suffer!
Jessica was shocked he again got that straight face, his pupils seemed even darker than it was he was coming close! She could feel the thing about to explode in her chest...he was sending shivers down her spine
And suddenly!!!!!
(You guys are expecting a kiss right?! Huh?!)

He acted as if nothing happened and walked away!
She let out a sigh" I'm never messing with this MAN!!"
But she probably forgot what he said he wants her to suffer...........
At night after having dinner they went to sleep
At 1AM
(Guyzz, I'll just go with 'P' for Parker nd 'J' for Jessica, you know your author-nim is lazyy)
P - Jessica!! Jessica!! Wake up!
J - what you need something*sleepy voice*
P- No! You know, one of my friends died!
J -( widened eye, she watched the clock) it's freaking 1AM !! You know I'm scared of ghost!!
P - but you're living with one*whisper*
J- what?
P - Aishh! Let me continue!
J - No!! I won't listen!

This worked as a hypnotism on her as if she could hear him all night!!
P - You know, there was a human hand in his basement, a real one!
J- can you tell me tomorrow!? I'm scared
P - no! He used to say one day that hand will come out of the wall! Nd after his death that hand was nowhere to be found...there were finger prints on his neck-------
J - stop!!*in the verge of crying*
Parker just creepily smiled and slept!
J - Why is he like this?!

I know, I know it's a lil' boring! But you know I promise you'll start enjoying it soon!
Hope you guys have a great day!
Keep loving, Keep sharing

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Soniya Sarkar

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Hi lovelies! ⁠♡⁠♡ I'm here with my imagination to show my creation! Hope that I can make your day better...(•⁠ᴗ⁠•) Love, Author Nim (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡

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